Types of Research
COPR offers protected coastal habitats for short- and long-term research projects. We invite researchers in any discipline to help build knowledge about the reserve and create solutions for our future. Experiments with large manipulations that damage the environment or introduction of genotypes (reciprocal transplants) are not permitted at COPR.
Apply to Do Research
To apply to conduct research at COPR, first contact the reserve director (sandoval@ucsb.edu) to discuss if the COPR is a suitable site for your project. If so, then you will need to submit an online application to rams.ucnrs.org.
Please describe your project sufficiently such that the question and methods are clear. Please read the quick guide on the right.
Quick guide to apply to conduct research at COPR
- Email the reserve director about your project (sandoval@ucsb.edu)
- Submit a research Application (project description and information)
- Submit a research Reservation (activity description, dates, and people visiting).
- Submit Visits (on the Reservation page, click Edit, and Add visits) for additional days doing the same activity. YES, you need to submit a new visit each time you visit the reserve.
- New projects that spur from the original one, require a new application and reservation, particularly new student projects.
Research support
There are a variety of resources available for researchers, including:
- Knowledgeable staff who help you locate sites or species you plan to study.
- GIS layers of topography, habitats, special species, restoration history, aerial maps, etc.
- Weather data station maintained by NOAA. The data is uploaded every 5 minutes.
- The bibliographic database is available on Zotero.
- Datasets from monitoring projects such as camera traps, Snowy Plover population, water quality, etc.
There are no overnight facilities at COPR. The Nature Center has a small laboratory (shown below), exhibits, desk space, meeting rooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen. Please reserve rooms at the Nature Center using your RAMS reservation.

Wet Lab
The lab contains two tables that accommodate about 8 people. There are three dissecting scopes and one microscope. Two of them are connected to a camera and computer screen.

Collections and processing
Another dry lab with storage is available for processing samples. This lab has a dissecting scope.