Individuals may access parts of the reserve for permitted activities at any time. The Pond Trail and parts of Sands Beach are open to the public 7 days a week. Approved use, including sunbathing, surfing, and walking. Activities that are not permitted on the reserve include surf contests, ball games, dog walking, kite flying and kite surfing, or any other activity that disturbs wildlife.
Group field trips and tours require an application and reservation. Examples of groups that need to apply before their visit include classes (K8-12) other than college level, government, birding, etc. You can take a guided tour with one of our trained volunteers (see below). Before your visit, please learn about the recreation restrictions to protect wildlife.
Seasonal Restrictions. The reserve is a quiet zone to protect wildlife and rare habitats. Sands Beach is specially protected from March 15th to September 15th to protect nests and small chicks of the threatened Western Snowy Plover. If you must walk along the beach, please stay near the ocean’s edge and do not approach plover families. If possible, use alternative routes for walking and jogging because it is nearly impossible to see and avoid a plover check sleeping on the sand.

Public Tours
Take a guided two-hour walk to learn more about the reserve.

Self-Guided Tour
The reserve is an excellent place to see unique wildlife and habitats. Explore these habitats along the two-mile loop trail. No reservation is required.